At the offices of Steven Warnock MD, our primary goal with any of our cosmetic surgery procedures is helping patients both feel healthier and actually be healthier. From tummy tucks for excess weight and skin to liposuction and breast augmentation or reduction, we help patients improve their confidence and their overall health profile through our services.
This is an area that goes both ways, however: For the best possible results from any of our procedures, it’s always good to spend time in advance working out and otherwise taking on healthy habits so your health is in the best possible place when you visit our offices. Not only will this give you a better chance of optimal results, it will impact your healing as well. Let’s look at the benefits of being healthy ahead of a cosmetic surgery procedure, plus some tips we can offer on practices to consider.
Benefits of Healthy Preparation
As we noted above, the primary benefit of being as healthy as possible headed into a cosmetic procedure is healing potential. Healthy people simply heal better and faster, with immune systems that are not compromised in any way and will work around the clock toward healing. Exercising, eating well and following any past doctor recommendations are all areas that will benefit you here.
When it comes to certain cosmetic procedures, there’s a specific benefit to losing some weight ahead of the procedure. For the tummy tuck, for instance, reaching a target weight before surgery will produce better results – the same can be said for liposuction. Also know that while these procedures will help you shed some excess weight, similarly healthy habits will be needed to keep this weight off in the future.
Tips for Healthy Preparation
One major note before we dig into some specific areas: Always consult with your doctor and surgical team before beginning any new habits. There may be certain things you should or shouldn’t do that could impact your procedure. With that in mind, here are some general areas to consider:
- Hydration: A supply of fresh water is vital to the body during the healing process. We highly recommend drinking plenty of water and/or herbal tea in the days and weeks leading up to the procedure (and in general).
- Alcohol: Alcohol can thin the blood, so we do not recommend it in excess in advance of a procedure.
- Smoking: The same goes for nicotine, which restricts blood flow and slows healing.
- Exercise: Within reason, exercise and stay in shape ahead of the procedure. In addition, your surgeon may give you certain exercises to promote or avoid following the procedure.
- Rest and recovery: Plan out your recovery by stocking your fridge and freezer and clearing up major tasks or chores so you aren’t faced with them while healing. Also plan for adequate healing time – Dr. Warnock or our staff will be happy to provide you with a typical healing timeline for any procedure you’re interested in.
For more on how good health and habits leading into a cosmetic surgery procedure benefit you, or to learn about any of our services, speak to the staff at the offices of Steven Warnock MD.