Liposuction is a surgical procedure that has been designed to get rid of unwanted fat stored in the body. For many individuals, it seems like almost a miracle to be able to have fat sucked away and to be left with a thinner body. However, before any individual decides to move forward with this procedure, they need to learn more about it. They need to find out if they are a good candidate for the procedure.
The best candidate for liposuction is an individual who understands exactly what the procedure will be able to do for them and what it will not do for them. Basically, an individual needs to have realistic expectations. It is unrealistic for a person who weighs 150 pounds to go through liposuction on their abdominal area in order to remove five pounds of fat and then think that they will be able to fit into clothes that they wore when they weighed 125 pounds. Even though it is possible to achieve great results using this surgical procedure, it is important to be realistic.
Good candidates for liposuction are also in good overall health. Since liposuction is a surgical procedure, it places certain demands on your body. If you are in good health, the risks are much lower. Depending on your particular health issues, we may recommend certain types of medication in order to help you prepare for the procedure.
Another thing that we will look at during your consultation is the elasticity of your skin. If you have good skin, which means that it is elastic, you will be happy with the appearance you have after liposuction.
Some individuals have the mistaken idea that liposuction is a permanent weight loss procedure. While it is true that whatever fat is sucked out during the procedure will not return, there is always the possibility that you could gain weight again in the future. For this reason, the best candidates for the procedure are individuals who have worked hard to lose weight and want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Liposuction is used in order to help them get rid of stubborn fat deposits that just are not responding well to their exercise regimen and a healthy diet.
Many things need to be taken into consideration when looking at liposuction. Scheduling a consultation at the office of Dr. Steven Warnock, MD in Draper, Utah is the best way for you to find out if this procedure is right for you. We happily serve the Salt Lake City area. Contact our office today to book your appointment!