There are several elements you’re likely considering when thinking about obtaining plastic surgery of any kind, and one of the most important for many people is recovery time and recovery approach. It’s natural to want details on how long you can expect recovery from a surgical procedure to take and what will be required of you during this process.Â
At the offices of Steven Warnock MD, we’re happy to offer a huge range of quality plastic surgery procedures, from body sculpting and breast surgery to rhinoplasty, mommy makeovers and many other areas. What are some of the key factors that will impact your expected recovery time from plastic surgery? This two-part blog series will go over several.
The Type of Plastic Surgery
As you may have already guessed, one of the largest differentiating factors in terms of recovery time is the type of plastic surgery being performed. Some procedures are much more extensive than others, and will require a greater amount of time to heal from accordingly.
For example, a basic rhinoplasty procedure may only require a few days for swelling and bruising to dissipate enough that you feel comfortable in public again. However, a more complex rhinoplasty that involves work on the septum or upper cartilage may take up to two weeks before you’re feeling your best.
Other examples include eye surgeries like blepharoplasty, which usually only require a few days of recovery time, and facelifts, which may take a bit longer – around a week or two – before any residual swelling and bruising has dissipated.
In general, minimally-invasive procedures will have shorter recovery times than more invasive ones.
Your Age and Genetics
Another major factor in terms of your expected recovery time is your age and genetics. If you have good skin elasticity – meaning your skin bounces back quickly after being stretched – you’re likely to experience a shorter recovery period than someone with less elastic skin. This is one reason why younger patients often have an easier time recovering from procedures than older patients.
Additionally, if you are in excellent health and don’t have any other health conditions that could complicate your recovery, you’re likely to experience a shorter, easier recovery than someone who isn’t as healthy.
How You Handle Recovery
If you’ve had prior surgeries, you’re likely aware that how you take care of yourself during the recovery process can have a significant impact on how long it takes to recover.
For example, if you smoke cigarettes, your recovery time is likely to be much longer than someone who doesn’t smoke. This is because smoking constricts blood vessels and prevents oxygen and nutrients from reaching the surgical area, which can lead to complications and a longer recovery time.
Additionally, if you follow your surgeon’s post-operative instructions – such as taking time to rest, sleeping with your head elevated, and avoiding strenuous activity – you’re likely to experience a shorter, easier recovery than someone who doesn’t follow these guidelines.
For more on the factors that influence your recovery time from any plastic surgery procedure, or to learn about our services, speak to the staff at the offices of Steven Warnock MD today.