Preparing for a Facelift Procedure

woman with hands around face

At the offices of Dr. Steven Warnock, one of our most popular rejuvenating procedures is the facelift. This cosmetic procedure, also called a rhytidectomy, is designed to smooth wrinkles, lines and lax skin through removal of excess fat and adjustment of muscles in the face.

If you’re preparing for a facelift procedure in the near future, should you do anything specific to help get yourself ready? As it turns out, there are a few setup items you can see to.


Discomfort after a facelift is relatively mild compared to many cosmetic surgery procedures, but you still likely won’t be in great driving condition due to lingering effects of anesthesia. You also might have heavy bandaging that blocks part of your vision.

For this reason, arrange to have a friend or family member at the appointment with you who can take you home. Some people also find it’s helpful to have a helper for routine tasks over the next few days after treatment, so make these arrangements if needed.

Stop Smoking

Smokers will be advised to stop smoking for at least a month prior to a facelift, and continuing to refrain directly after the procedure as well. Nicotine impairs blood tissue flow, and concentrations in the body will lead to longer recovery times and increased scarring after a facelift.

Blood Thinning Medications

Medications like ibuprofen and aspirin will thin the blood, and lessen the body’s ability to heal correctly. You’ll likely be warned to stop taking these in the days or weeks leading up to the procedure, plus for a period of time after it.

Diet and Vitamins

Your diet is a very important part of the speed and effectiveness of your healing. Avoid starchy carbs and excess salt, and be sure to emphasize protein, fruits and vegetables. In addition, vitamins A and C are effective at improving healing times and relieving swelling. Speak to your surgeon in advance about adding these supplements.

Don’t Eat Right Before

You’ll be told to minimize food and drink output at least 8-12 hours before a facelift, just in case of any nausea.

To learn more about facelifts, or to find out about breast implants, tummy tucks or any of our other cosmetic procedures, contact the offices of Dr. Steven Warnock today.