Mommy makeover procedures are fast increasing in popularity. These are structured to help women regain their pre-pregnancy bodies and enjoy higher levels of self-confidence. In order to get optimal results from these efforts, however, women must make sure that they are well-prepared for their mommy makeover, and all that it entails.
Based in Draper, Utah, Dr. Steven Warnock is an experienced surgeon who has helped hundreds of women improve their appearance and self-esteem through mommy makeover procedures. For information on Dr. Warnock’s practice, or to make an appointment, contact Dr. Warnock today. Following are several tips for preparing for your mommy makeover procedures.
Ensuring Proper Aftercare
Moms face a lot of demands at home, and it is important for all patients to have sufficient time and opportunity to relax and heal. Recruiting a team of family members and friends to assist with your household chores throughout the formative stages of healing is essential.
After your mommy makeover, you should get plenty of rest and you should also avoid any heavy lifting or other strenuous movements. You can plan out meals in advance of your surgery and have these cooked and frozen or refrigerated so that they can be reheated as needed. Having a good support team in place and minimizing your household duties as much as possible will make the recovery process easy and stress-free.
Establishing Feasible Expectations
Finding a surgeon who can talk candidly with you about the benefits and drawbacks of your selected procedures is important. Many procedures will require several months for the body to adjust. Thus, visible results are certain to improve over time as swelling abates and retained fluids leave the target area. Getting detailed information on the various stages of the recovery process will give you greater peace of mind. Dr. Steven Warnock can review all of this information with you at our office.
Move Your Comfortable Clothes to an Accessible Height
Bending over immediately after a tummy tuck is next to impossible and strongly advised against. Make sure that all of your favorite things are at an accessible height in order to minimize your dependence on others. Pajamas, sweats, t-shirts and other loose, comfortable clothing should be kept on top of dressers or on any other surface that is waist-high.
Give the House a Deep Cleaning
You should give your house a thorough clean before getting a mommy makeover. This will ensure that you have a pleasant and well-organized space to relax in. During this process, you can make sure to move essential items to accessible heights in each and every room of the home.
Good Nutrition
When it comes to preparing for a mommy makeover, good nutrition is one of the most commonly overlooked factors. New moms who practice good nutrition are likely to experience faster healing and fewer problems throughout their recovery processes.
Mommy makeovers typically include breast lifts or breast augmentation and tummy tuck or tummy contouring procedures. These types of surgeries can place a number of major demands on the body throughout the wound healing process. Thus, it is often advised that moms establish and maintain balanced diets several months before their surgeries and that they supplement as necessary for optimal nutritional support. Vitamin B12, multivitamins and iron can all be part of the supplementation program.
Should you choose to use supplementation to ensure optimal nutrition, however, you must be open about these products with your surgeon. Certain supplements can cause problems with bleeding or may have an adverse effect on the anesthesia that is used. Talking to your provider about your supplementation program several weeks in advance of your procedure will allow you to gradually taper your use of these as needed.