As one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures available, breast augmentation is a valuable treatment for many looking to increase or supplement breast size. It can have major positive effects on everything from body composition to self-esteem and confidence.
At the offices of Dr. Steven Warnock, we’re proud to offer breast augmentation surgery for all those who can benefit from it – women with uneven breasts, small cup sizes, or who are dealing with loss of breast volume due to childbirth or breastfeeding. Like many other surgical procedures, breast augmentation comes with a recovery period and some general areas you should prioritize during this period. Here are some basics to consider when recovering from breast augmentation surgery.
General Recovery Period and Soreness
There are a variety of specific breast implant types and procedures, meaning recovery times can vary. But in general, patients will need at least a couple days of rest following surgery, plus a few additional days after this where their activity is relaxed.
Swelling and soreness may remain for several weeks after surgery, though in most cases patients are able to return to their normal daily routine within no more than a week. During this first week, know that you’ll likely be very tired and should get as much rest as you can to help with recovery. The chest may feel tight, and you might lose feeling in the breasts and nipples for a few days after the procedure – this is normal and nothing to worry about.
Incisions and Dressings
Roughly 24 hours after the surgery, you can remove dressings besides skin tapes or incision covers. There may be minor bleeding when you do this, which can be blotted with a towel. Depending on the level of bleeding, you can continue to cover incisions with gauze yourself for as long as needed, usually around a week or so.
Materials or Techniques
In some cases, your surgeon may offer you breast massage techniques to perform at home. These are for multiple purposes, including speeding up recovery, limiting discomfort and lowering the risk of a condition called capsular contracture.
In addition, your surgeon may suggest a post-surgical bra, a sports bra or even a compression bandage for support and positioning. They will generally recommend against wearing an underwire bra, which can impact implant positioning. If you are told to wear a bra or compression bandage, this should only be removed for bathing purposes.
Timing Concerns
A few timing-related areas to be aware of:
- Showering: In most cases, you’ll be allowed to shower within 24 hours after surgery. However, your surgeon will likely inform you that other forms of water – baths, swimming pools, hot tubs, natural bodies of water, etc. – should be avoided for at least two weeks after surgery.
- Work and routine: Most patients can return to normal work and daily schedules within a few days, or a week at most.
- Swelling: Breasts will likely remain sensitive and swollen for up to a month.
- Strenuous activity: Following breast augmentation, strenuous activities and exercises that raise the pulse or require major use of the arms and chest should be avoided.
For more on proper recovery themes following breast implant surgery, or to learn about any of our cosmetic surgery procedures, speak to the staff at the offices of Dr. Steven Warnock today.